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  Abstract Tutorial 2

Click on 'Objects' - 'Primitive' - 'Pyrimid'

Make it Editable and remember to click on 'Polygons'

Click on 'Structure' - 'Matrix Extrude' with these settings

Scroll out and your image will look something like this:

Now add HyperNURBS to smooth the image out:

Apply a 'Bend Deformation' using the following settings:

Apply a 'Twist Deformation' using the following settings:

Now add another 'HyperNURB' so your image looks something like this:

Scroll in and move the image around until you are happy:

Next Render the image remembering to use the 'TARGA' format and check the 'Alpha Channel' box

You are now finished with C4D

Before Photoshop:

After Photoshop:

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